
So much stuff in here

Try this little game (nsfw): http://goo.gl/3PJpbc

I dreamt about the pain of not having children just before waking up, and when I woke up I had a memory in my mind. Me and my father are crossing a huge snowfield, very steep. We are on a small trail, and before us are a couple of people walking in the same direction, but they're rather slow. So my dad wants to pass them by taking a higher route, passing over them in an arc. Now I start slipping away. Just one foot. Again and again. My dad doesn't slip for some reason. I'm slipping and there's nothing I can do, mind you I'm a small kid. So my dad, maybe a little irritated, takes my hand. I slip for maybe a fourth and a fifth time, and then we both go! Sliding down the snowfield. All the way, all the way. We cross these pools of molten snow. And then we're down at the bottom of the snowfield, sitting next to each other, with our backs to the snowfield, not wanting to look back, wet. We never talked about it. I thought this had something to do with the teddybear memory of Felicia.

 I decided to write it down when I thought about Felicia saying 'we want to be all inclusive'. I don't agree with that. You should talk to the people you love. If you talk to everybody, you'll end up hurting the people you love.

I once got the image of tracks in a wintry ground while listening to Tjaikovsky (incidentally with my dad, who was half asleep). I really want to see some old paintings. Here's a virtual tour for you to check out: http://goo.gl/10xNQP

This is a very good game (get Adblock!): http://goo.gl/W9vCkV
At the same time open the music to go along with it: http://goo.gl/VuZIsM (careful if you're on mobile).

Best game I played was made in 2002. Listen closely. Intro: http://goo.gl/wkJ9kU (not for mobile, unless you have real 4g).

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